Despite being one of the hottest days of the year, a dedicated group of volunteers turned up for the first meadow work of the year. Paths and edges were cut, and it was all raked up and cleared in an impressive hour and a half. Half the group had done it many times before, and half were new volunteers and children who joined in providing some welcome extra energy.
As there is unfortunately no festival this year, the next main work will be preparing the meadow for cutting and baling in the late Summer. In the meantime, we can all wander along the pathways and see how many different flowers we can spot. As well as the masses of ox eye daisies and red campion, the yellow rattle is even better established this year and the corn cockle make a welcome appearance.
As well as Google, the app Wild Flower Id British Isles is a very useful help in identifying flowers.
Bryan Dale
As ever, huge admiration and congratulations to all your field workers, young and not-so-young. I’m sure Caerleon is grateful and proud of your devoted labours. Yes, sad that the Festival has to be postponed, but all power to your crew for Field work later in the Summer.