“The Huggies” by Milan Vacha (Czech Republic) – the first Festival in 2003
Despite the “gap year” imposed by the pandemic, the work of the Festival Team continues. Here is an update.
Two sculptures have been “decommissioned” due to natural deterioration and removed to make way for replacements in due course – “The Huggies” in Backhall Street and “The Roman Bench” situated in the Festival Meadow – “a fond farewell to old friends”.
The sculpture of “The Great War Veteran” currently sited on the Hanbury Quayside will be relocated to the Festival Meadow.
The Festival Meadow will be cut and re-sown in August/September to continue the process of wildflower and biodiversity development. Flowers in the Meadow have lifted spirits in these difficult times and we anticipate the display continuing to expand and flourish next year and beyond.
Plans are in place to resume events when safe to do so. In the meantime, from the Festival Team – “Thank you for your support and stay safe”.
Tim Davidson Chair
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