TaffyWasAThief is an acoustic trio who produce a whirlwind of Chicago and country Blues, Irish folk, Rockabilly, and pop Mayhem!
In their inventive and quirky way they play a bluesy sort of reggae soul with hints of reels and rock’n roll riffs, it’s an intoxicating blend of country rock and punky funk (or funky punk whichever is your fancy!) These Taffies are very serious about their fun, they’ll have you crying and laughing at their lyrics – and tunes which are granite soft and as hard as cushions. You will love rocking out, joining in, twisting yourself straight, boogieing through the wee hours and shaking your jelly as they present their Old Grey Grizzle Fest!!
Wiffa on guitars, with his twisted, arthritic fretting fingers produces chords no other guitarist attempts, Pete on main vocals also manages to come up with enough wind to play Saxophone and Harmonica though he’s still working on how to play them both at the same time and the multi-talented Chris on drums can also sing, play guitar and bass which is why he’s strapped to the bangy-bongo chair for TaffyWasAThief gigs.
As the acronym suggests, they are a force of nature!!