You will all have seen the recent improvements to the field wall along
Carlton Terrace. Much better, and safer, now we think you’d agree. All
made possible because Caerleon Arts Festival secured a Landfill Tax
grant in 2017, which has been used for improvements the field as a
whole, including new fencing, tree pruning, field sowing, mowing,
baling, and the wall repairs.
Now, we will be making, with your help, a wildflower border along the
whole length of the wall, starting on Saturday 13th April at 10am with
top soil spreading, and then on Saturday 27th at 10am, with laying down Wildflower Earth.
Please come along and join in with your a rake and gloves, especially if
you haven’t before. Then, as the wildflowers start to appear this
summer, you’ll know you helped make it happen.
Photos: David Nelmes
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