Congratulations to everyone involved. A great team effort resulted in a successful Farmers’ Market, the centrepiece of the “Christmas in Caerleon” celebrations.
Exhibitors braved frosty conditions on Saturday and the array of delights on display satisfied a procession of punters that gathered momentum as the day unfolded. Santa Claus dispensed good cheer whilst seemingly stalked by a reindeer.
It was great to meet the man himself who took time out of his busy schedule to visit other sites of celebration – The Roman Museum and Baths, and of course Christmas Carols on the Common under the sparkling Christmas tree.
A special thank you to Lorraine and Henry for organising the event including carols in the Town Hall. Well done!
A big thank you goes to our volunteers including Barbara for organising a splendid raffle.
Appreciation goes to our partners in “Christmas in Caerleon” – the Caerleon Tourism Forum, the Museum and Baths, councillors, sponsors and supporters.
As I tapped the keys when writing this so it began to snow…. and I found myself singing (quietly) “Have yourself a merry little Christmas…….tra la”
Tim Davidson
Photos: Catherine Davidson; Jake Lior
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