Now our field is turned and baled, all we have to do is tidy up round the edges in preparation for this super machine being used on Monday for a final field trim.
And then Ben Daniel and his crew will be pruning the trees surrounding the field and removing brash.
Good news for all you wild flower plug plant growers, how ever varied your success rate!
You can all bring them all to the festival field on the Big Free weekend (15th & 16th July) for a mass potting on into biodegradable pots for planting out in the field using long handled plug planters. We will have our own Wild Flower Marquee complete with pots and compost for you to pot on. We’ll also have some information available on our wild flower meadow project to date and plans for Autumn planning and sowing.
Any green-fingered volunteers willing to help over the two days are welcome. Please let me know if you can.
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